Arizona Family Therapy in Tucson

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2025 Programs

Healing Grief
March 8th and 9th, 2025
This program gives you the gift of processing through your grief and trauma in order to regain balance and peace.

Anxiety Recovery Tools
May 3rd and 4th, 2025
This weekend program offers opportunities for understanding and developing tools for enhanced living.

Codependency: Understanding Self and Others
July 12th and 13th, 2025
Experiential therapy techniques to process relationship dynamics. Fostering greater understanding of ourselves and others.

Trauma Recovery: Healing Past Wounds
September 13th and 14th, 2025
Psychodrama and experiential techniques to assist in the healing of past trauma.

Passages Healing Program
October 17th, 18th, and 19th, 2025
Witness the amazing process of reconstruction. Spend time in a small group unfolding and understanding your family of origin issues and the impact on your life today.

Click on any program below to learn more.  

Passages Therapy Programs:

Weekend Program
Food Program
Healing Program
Passages Couples Program
Programs by Design

Intensive Programs:

Couples Day
Family Day
Business Day


  Passages Therapy Programs

Weekend Program

This is our flagship program here at Arizona Family Therapy. Offered for many years, this program provides help and healing for individuals. This amazing program has brought about positive life long changes for many. A trained, experiential therapist works with group members to promote awareness, grief work, insight, and tools for emotional recovery. Clients who attend this program are able to identify the healing results for years after the event.


Food Program

One of the biggest challenges our society faces today is in the form of nutritional self-care. Utilizing the philosophy of emotional recovery as the basis for all wellness, we have created a specialized group program that will allow participants to look safely and gently at their relationship between their emotional selves and their nutritional choices. In this program clients are given an opportunity to examine the events and traumas of their lives which continue to shape their relationship with food today. This program offers a process of awareness and growth, which allows the client to face the future with new perspectives on nutritional and personal self-care.


Healing Program

This program is designed to promote new awarenesses and growth for individuals looking for a different and unique life-changing experience. Several groups work individually and together to create a safe environment for healing. Included in this amazing program is a special day of intense work with a preselected individual, with participation by all and amazing results for the entire community! You won't want to miss this. For more specific details please call our office at (520) 327-5522.


Passages Couples Program

Bring your coupleship to this powerful, life-altering environment. This three day program allows you and your partner to heal from old wounds and create new scripts for your future. Other couples offer shared experiences and allow for growth and insight. Let the incredible process of Experiential Therapy create positive and lasting change for you and your partner!


Programs by Design

Do you have a specific issue that isn't addressed here? Our experienced facilitators will work with you to design a customized program of exploration and healing for an individual, couple, family or any size group. Please feel free to contact us at (520) 327-5522 for more information.




  Intensive Programs

Couples Day

Couples come together in the beautiful Sonoran Desert environment to do healing work on their relationships. Programs are designed to meet each couple's specific needs. The therapist(s) assist the couple in identifying specific goals for healing and facilitates therapy interventions. Old wounds are healed and released and new skills for the future create hope and change. Couples learn about themselves and their partner and gain new understanding, communication skills, and most importantly insight and compassion for themselves and their partner.


Family Day

Families today face great challenges in the areas of loss, addictions, change, grief, depression, mental health and more. This intensive program provides a safe place for family members to heal from trauma and plan for current and future family needs. Whether the wounds are new, old or ongoing, with the assistance of Arizona Family Therapy counselors families are able to grieve and let go of the past. In addition, family members are provided with new skills and tools to move forward and face the future together.


Business Day

This program tailors specific programs and interventions for both large and small businesses to resolve conflict and increase communication, understanding and productivity. By bringing employees off-site to our quiet, peaceful environment, Business Day concentrates employees' focus on the goals for the day. Through therapy activities including experiential therapy, attendees will leave with renewed commitment and energy. This is the ultimate exercise in team building, conflict resolution and inter-employee communication.



1601 N. Tucson Blvd Suite 5
Tucson, Arizona 85716

Tel (520) 327-5522
Fax (520) 327-5525

Arizona Family Therapy © 2016   |   Web design by Tucson Technical Services