Arizona Family Therapy is committed to providing the highest quality mental health services delivered in an accessible, supportive and caring environment that embraces diversity and emphasizes respect.
Call (520) 327-5522 to
schedule an appointment

The following is a list of recovery resources available for your additional learning. This listing is not a recommendation of any organization or entity. Arizona Family Therapy is not involved in the maintenance of these sites and is not responsible for content or accuracy of any information contained in them.

Parenting In Peace
"A Loss Too Great: Healing a Devastating Grief"
By Joan Furman, MSN, RN, AHN-BC, CET II.
"The Dying Time: Practical Wisdom for the Dying & Their Caregivers" Three Rivers Press, 1997
Also by Joan Furman, MSN, RN, AHN-BC, CET II.
Chemical Addiction
Co-Dependency & Family Support
Compulsive Gambling & Spending
Eating Disorders
Sexual Addiction & Compulsion
Trauma & Mental Health
Miscellaneous Recovery
- Anonymous One provides information on 12-Step meetings nationwide www.anonymousone.com
- Join Together is a resource center and meeting place for communities fighting substance abuse www.jointogether.org
1601 N. Tucson Blvd Suite 5
Tucson, Arizona 85716
Tel (520) 327-5522
Fax (520) 327-5525